Monday, 30 November 2009

Three Minute Lundy

Just finished uploading a three minute version of my Lundy documentary to the 4 Docs website in the hope of winning a slot on Channel 4 as a Three Minute Wonder.

The new version is considerably shorter than the other two versions that have been made (Lundy and Escape from Lundy Island) and it was a struggle to cram everything into such a short timescale.

The End of the World on Film
Originally uploaded by charlesdyer

To see more photos of our disastrous trip to Lundy, look no further than my dedicated Flickr set.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

The things you can do with Garageband

Just something I mixed up with some of the loops included with Apple's Garageband.

For anyone that doesn't know, Garageband can be found on any Mac with the preinstalled iLife suite (so that's pretty much all of them, then). With a little knowledge of music, you can use it to extend, elaborate upon or create entirely new soundtracks, making it an invaluable (if a little limited) tool for editors. The hundreds of included loops are all royalty free and it's quicker and easier to get to grips with than Final Cut Studio's Soundtrack Pro.

Digital Revolution

Been experimenting with the BBC's Digital Revolution competition.

The above was (once again) made with Maxon's awesome Cinema 4D. For anyone else interested, they actually have a very decent demo version available for free download on their website.

Cinema 4D

I've recently been trying to teach myself to use Maxon's Cinema 4D, a 3D animation, graphic and design package. My early experiments have been based on the tutorials from the Cinema 4D R10 Handbook by Anson Call.

That said, there's a lot of useful stuff online, including a tutorial by Grischa Theissen, which demonstrates some of the basic uses of the impressive Mograph plugin to create realtime physics.