Sunday, 27 November 2011

Technical Production Assistant

Hi all. I'm pleased to say that I've been granted my first on-screen credit of 'Production Technical Assistant' on Bite of the Living Dead. You'd not believe how happy this makes me.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Bristol Old Vic - Good Clown Bad Clown

I've never really fancied myself as much of a director. That said, a couple of weeks ago I popped down to the Bristol Old Vic on a Saturday to direct an online trailer for Good Clown Bad Clown, a childrens' performance for the winter season. Shot on a Panasonic HDX-900, and then edited by myself in Final Cut Studio with some basic work in Motion, it's 63 seconds of white-faced, red-nosed, horn-sounding fun.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

Clifton Valley
Originally uploaded by charlesdyer

A week ago I upped roots, vacating my flat in Cheltenham and moving to Bristol in order to better support my job at Icon Films.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Blown Away

Blown Away
Originally uploaded by charlesdyer

My very good friends Jacky and Lyle are getting married next year. Here's a photo that I took for their 'Save the Date' postcard.